Interviews, Trials and Tribulations: The Do’s and Don’ts in HR Investigations
Speaker: George E. Hyde, Attorney & Counselor at Law, Russell Rodriguez Hyde Bullock, LLP
Hear the real truth from a Counsel Investigator with real trial experience. From conference room to the courtroom, attendees will learn the necessary elements to develop reliable and defendable HR Investigations while keeping the workplace safe for both the alleged wronged, alleged wrongdoers and maintaining trust in the administration.
A workshop on public employer labor relations will be held on January 30, prior to the 33rd Annual Civil Service Workshop on January 31-February 1. Both workshops will be held at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel. The programs are sponsored by the Texas Municipal Human Resources Association (TMHRA) and the Texas Public Employer Labor Relations Association (TxPELRA).
Enrollment for both workshops is limited to human resources professionals and management representatives from Texas municipal governments (for example, the city manager’s office, the city attorney’s office, civil service commissioners, the human resources department, police chiefs, and fire chiefs).